Title: The Yellow Sock
Author: Angela Hunt
Major Themes: Adoption, Trusting God
Synopsis: When Megan and her husband are told they will never be able to have their own children, they decide to pursue adoption.
I thoroughly enjoyed The Yellow Sock. As a novella, it’s short enough that it can be read fairly quickly, and quite well-written. It kept my attention from beginning to end, even though I knew how it would likely end.
Megan Wingfield and her husband have been married for three years and trying unsuccessfully for two years to have a baby, when they receive the news that they will never be able to have a baby of their own. After struggling with how to respond to this news, they eventually decide to pursue adoption, but many obstacles stand in their way, and they must keep giving their desires to God and believing that He knows what is best for them.
I have never personally had experience with adoption, but many people I know have adopted children. The subject has always fascinated me, and The Yellow Sock really rings true. Any mother would be able to identify with Megan and her struggles.
No warnings!
Age levels:
Reading Independently—Adults
Links to buy this book:
Amazon: Paperback | Kindle | Audible Audiobook (unabridged)
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