IgniteLit: Igniting a love for literature.

Here at IgniteLit, our passion is to help you and your family learn to love and thrive on good, wholesome literature. There are many books you could be reading as a family, but we want to help you find the very best ones for you and yours—and give you confidence in your choices.
Our goal is to honor and glorify Jesus Christ with all our choices. This includes the books we read and movies we watch (Phil. 4:8).
We have three goals with this site:
Your family’s love for Christ and His kingdom through the books you read
A love for learning and a desire to grow in the Lord
The next generation with healthy examples and a vision for what the Lord wants to do through them
Through this book reviews site, we want to help you and your family by providing a fast, reliable source of information, where you need it when you need it. We want to combine the power of reviews with a place where you can easily search and find the books you need.

With each review, we aim to include the reason why we found the book useful, and also the things you might want to watch out for. We understand—we don’t like reading icky stuff, and definitely don’t want to hand a book to our children without first knowing if there is icky stuff in there.
We’re hoping this will become your go-to resource to help you find the books you need quickly, effectively, and without stress. We love books, and our hope is that our love will inspire yours. Some books on here will likely have content you won’t agree with, but we want to make the process as smooth as possible for you.
We want you to be able to come away with quality resources you’re happy for your family to read or listen to.
If you have any particular requests—or suggestions for how we can make this resource more valuable for you!—feel free to drop us a note on our contact page. We love to hear from you!