Title: Sojourner Truth: American Abolitionist
Author: W. Terry Whalen
Series: Heroes of the Faith and included in Inspiring Women of the Faith
Major Themes: Sojourner Truth, Abolition, Slavery, Women’s Rights
Synopsis: A biography of the famous anti-slavery, women’s rights speaker who was herself born in slavery.
I have always loved reading biographies, especially if they are well-written. This one is. Sojourner Truth: American Abolitionist caught my attention from the first page and I enjoyed it all the way through. I’m glad I borrowed it when I saw it on a friend’s bookshelf!
I never knew a lot about Sojourner Truth before reading this biography I’ve read a lot about Harriet Tubman, but next to nothing about Sojourner, for some reason. She turns out to be a fascinating person! Sojourner was born in New York State shortly before 1800, to slave parents. By 1827, when all the slaves in New York were freed, she had been sold several times to a succession of masters, and had borne five children. After the disappointment of living in a commune and finding out that the leader was not God on earth, as he claimed, she began traveling around speaking about human rights. Until her death in 1882, Sojourner Truth continued traveling. She spoke at abolitionist conventions as well as women’s rights conventions, seeking to achieve equality for all Americans. A tall, powerful woman, she was able to hold audiences spell-bound with her talks and the songs she composed herself even though she was illiterate all her life.
No warnings!
Age levels:
Listening Level—Ages 8 – 12, 10 – 12, Family Friendly
Reading Independently—Ages 10 – 12, 12 – 15, 15 and Above, Adults
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