Title: Lacy
Author: Sharon Srock
Series: Crafted With Love, book 4
Major Themes: Grief, Death, Adoption, Neonatal Diabetes, Babies, Marriage
Synopsis: When God took everything away from her, Lacy’s life was ruined; what would it take to find life again?
It has been a long time since I have read a book by Sharon Srock. I remember thoroughly enjoying several of hers, then coming across one or two that I didn’t care for much. When I had the chance to read Lacy, I wondered whether I would like it. I did. The ending was predictable after about the third or fourth chapter but there were definitely some unexpected twists that I didn’t see coming.
Lacy’s life revolves around her family. She was in love with her husband Cole and her daughter, and very much looking forward to spoiling a new granddaughter soon. Then, a horrific accident wiped out two out of three of these people. She was suddenly plunged into a deep dark hole. Three years later, she still hasn’t seen any light at the end of the tunnel.
Cole loved his wife, and he thought she loved him. But did she really? He found himself very concerned about her growing distance from God and worried about her sanity when she came up with a plan that had the potential to either save their marriage or destroy her completely. Should he go along with it? For Lacy, the unwanted, sick baby she is holding seems to be her only lifeline.
As a mother who has experienced the loss of a child myself, I could at least partially relate to Lacy. I remember wanting to curl up in bed and never come out again. However, I had other children who needed me, and that kept me going. Lacy had no one who really needed her. This is an amazing story of love and grief and learning to trust God and let Him fill the void inside us, instead of expecting humans to do that. It is also a story of adoption, both the wonderful side, and the hard side. I also learned that there is such a thing as neonatal diabetes. If you enjoy women’s fiction, give Sharon Srock’s Lacy a try. I’m guessing you’ll enjoy it.
WARNING: Car accident, sick baby, suicidal thoughts, husband and wife go to the bedroom.
Age levels:
Reading Independently—Adults
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