Title: Enemy Brothers
Author: Constance Savery
Major Themes: England, Historical Fiction, World War II History
Synopsis: Dym believes he has found his long-lost English brother Tony—but the boy is positive he is Max, a German.
Several years ago, I bought a lot of books when Bethlehem Books had a sale. Some five years later, we finally got around to reading Enemy Brothers. It was worth waiting for! We had no idea, going into it, what the story would be like, and at first it was rather confusing. Once we got several chapters in, however, everyone was pretty wrapped up in the story and really enjoying it.
World War II is raging. Dym, an airman, met up with his brother Ginger and a friend, both in the navy. Ginger and his friend had come with a prisoner—a 12-year-old boy, Max, captured in Norway though he was German. Dym took one look at the boy and knew. Max was actually his long-lost brother Tony! However, Max/Tony vehemently denied that there was any way he could be English; he was German, and a rabid Nazi! There was no way he would live willingly with Dym’s family in England—but he had not choice. With the war raging, he couldn’t go home.
After a few escapes, Tony was given an ultimatum. As a cat has nine lives, so did he. The first nine times he ran away it would be overlooked, but after that he would be in big trouble. Would he be able to find friends who would help him make it to Germany? Then, suddenly, his lives had run out when the big chance came. Did he really want to go back to Germany now?
Enemy Brothers is an amazing story about family relationships. I loved Dym and his patience! Tony was exasperating, but totally understandable. As I said, the story started out a little confusing, but I think it was intended to be that way, because Tony was so confused. Little by little, the truth was revealed and Tony began to see things the way they really were. I also liked seeing a glimpse of life in wartime England.
No warnings!
Age levels:
Listening Level—Ages 8 – 12, 10 – 12, Family Friendly
Reading Independently—Ages 8 – 12, 10 – 12, 12 – 15
Links to buy this book:
Amazon: Paperback | Hardcover | Audible Audiobook (unabridged)
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