Title: The Eye of Adoption
Author: Jody Cantrell Dyer
Major Themes: Adoption, Babies, Christian Non-fiction, Family Life, Books for Women
Synopsis: When they are not able to have a second biological child, the Dyers decide to adopt; this is the story of that journey.
Sometimes it takes me awhile to get around to reading a book I download to my Kindle. According to Amazon, I have had The Eye of Adoption for over six years! Now that I’ve read it, I know what a wonderful story I missed out on for a long time. This is a great account of a mother who wanted a baby, and how God brought her the desire of her heart.
Jody and her husband had one child, but were not able to have any more. After several years of fertility treatments, they finally decided to try to adopt. They heard about Bethany Christian Services, and began the paperwork to be approved. Jody describes each step of the roller-coaster journey the family found themselves on. Several times, she would learn about a baby whose mother wanted it to be adopted, and her hopes would rise—only to be dashed again. Then, she met Kerri.
Kerri was pregnant with a baby boy that she knew she could not care for properly. She wanted to have him adopted by someone who would allow her to still be a part of his life. Jody fell in love with the baby immediately, and all seemed to be going well—but would Kerri go through with giving him up? Jody tells the story, using quotes from her journal and letters she wrote at the time.
The Eye of Adoption is a very emotional story. Jody tells it quite matter-of-factly, but in such a way that I could really feel what she went through, both during her struggle with infertility and during the adoption journey. This is a book any mother will enjoy, whether she has biological or adoptive children. If you are hoping to adopt, it will be an encouragement. I learned a lot about adoption from this story, as well.
WARNING: The author talks some at the beginning about her intimate life with her husband.
Age levels:
Reading Independently—Adults
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