Title: Amy Carmichael: Rescuer of Precious Gems
Author: Janet & Geoff Benge
Series: Christian Heroes: Then and Now series
Major Themes: Missionaries, India, Japan, Christian Living
Synopsis: Amy Carmichael has dedicated her life to the Lord’s work—but does she have any idea of the adventures she will experience in His service?
There are certain missionaries that are always an inspiration to me, no matter how many times I hear about them. In this fascinating story—Amy Carmichael: Rescuer of Precious Gems—I read of one of those. I’ve always wanted to be a missionary, but Amy never thought she would be one. Even so, when she was called to give her life for others at eighteen, she willingly accepted—and never looked back.
When she first sees how many of the women factory workers in her city live, she is appalled. Soon, she realizes that God is calling her to work with the women—helping them both physically and spiritually to live better lives. But it isn’t easy—after the sudden loss of most of his income, Mr. Carmichael—Amy’s father—dies. Her family is suddenly transferred from the highest levels of society to being almost poor, and have to learn to manage on their own.
As Amy’s ministry and converts numbers increase, they need a new place to meet—and God miraculously provides the money and space to make a building of their own.
After several years, Amy feels called to leave the well established work there and go abroad to China to work as a missionary. What will the mission board say to such a proposal? And will the doctor approve her as healthy enough to go?
Amy Carmichael: Rescuer of Precious Gems is a beautiful story of courage, conviction, and faith. Though small of stature and weak of body, Amy fully dedicated her life to the Lord and expected Him to use it well. Through much of His strength, and the mighty weapon of prayer, she attained many victories for the Lord—all while giving Him the glory. Her life is an example of the dedication and service the Lord desires to see in each of us—if only we would be willing to surrender it to Him.
WARNING: Some of the Hindu practices are discussed a bit throughout the book, especially in reference to the temple “girls”. There is nothing explicit, but since it heavily influences Amy’s story, it is there.
Age levels:
Listening Level—Ages 10 – 12
Reading Independently—Ages 12 – 15, 15 and Above
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