Title: The Destiny of One
Author: Sarah Holman
Series: The Destiny Trilogy, book 1
Major Themes: Science Fiction, Quests
Synopsis: Maria’s quest is taking her into great danger . . . will she stay faithful to her Savior, and yet be able to complete her job?
In many respects, The Destiny of One was very surprising. This was the first truly science fiction book I’ve ever read (aside from The Twenty-One Balloons), so while the feel of the book was completely different from what I’m used to, I also really enjoyed the change. If all science fiction books were like this—although I hear they aren’t—I’d say I love the genre.
Maria Morris is in a quandary. She wants to do the Lord’s will, but with so many choices of careers out there, she doesn’t know where to turn. What is her destiny—the thing she should study and prepare for? One thing in life is certain—under Wyndemere II’s ruling, it’s getting harder and harder to live a normal life if you’re a Christian. Then Maria’s parents turn up missing, and it soon becomes apparent that Maria must find the crown jewels and bring back the crown prince so that they—and many others—can be saved. Such a task seems hardly logical to have been given to a nineteen-year-old. Is this the true destiny God has planned for her? With spies everywhere, can she accomplish the dangerous task—on which the fate of the galaxy might very well hang?
As a science fiction book, there are a lot of things in The Destiny of One that are understandably not real. However, Sarah Holman did an amazing job creating realistic characters. So realistic, in fact, that while writing this review, I had an instant’s hesitation in telling Maria’s goals because Commander Windspear might find out! It was a relief to remember he’s only a fictional character. I also really appreciated the Christian slant to the story—while I may not agree with everything in here, I did find that aspect very well done and encouraging.
WARNING: Several scenes describe intense pain, and at one point there is a fight. This is more of a young adult book, and not so suitable for young children.
Age levels:
Reading Independently—Ages 12 – 15, 15 and Above
Links to buy this book:
Amazon: Kindle
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