Title: Tut’s Mummy Lost and Found
Author: Judy Donnelly
Series: Step Into Reading, step 4
Major Themes: Tutankhamen, Archeology, Ancient Egypt
Synopsis: The story of Tutankhamen’s death and burial, and how his tomb was found, is told with easy text and many colorful illustrations for young readers.
There are some books that get read…and read again…and reread! Tut’s Mummy Lost…and Found is one of those. I have no idea how many times over the years we’ve read this treasure. I know we have gone through it at least three times as part of Sonlight Curriculum’s history, but we have read it other times, too. Because it is an easy reader, it is very understandable for young children who love to know that a story is true, and the beautiful, full-color pictures are very attractive, too.
There are five short chapters in this book. The first chapter describes how Tutankhamen died and was buried, with a brief description of how he was mummified, what he took to the tomb with him, and what his funeral would have been like. Chapter 2 describes how, after 3,000 years, people became interested in ancient Egypt and began searching for artifacts from there. One of the illustrations in this chapter is actually a photograph.
The third, fourth and fifth chapters describe Howard Carter’s search for Tutankhamen’s tomb, how he found it and opened it, and what he found. There are pictures, both colorful paintings and a few black-and-white photographs, of the treasure.
One thing I have observed about children who are approximately 5-8 is that they want to know if a story is true or not. They often want to read or hear true stories rather than fiction. Tut’s Mummy Lost…and Found is a book that is perfect for children like that! It is written at approximately a 2nd-3rd grade reading level. Five- and six-year-olds love to hear it read aloud to them.
No warnings!
Age levels:
Listening Level—Ages 5 – 8
Reading Independently—Ages 7 – 9
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