Title: C. S. Lewis: The Writer Who Found Joy
Author: Dan DeWitt
Series: Here I Am! Biography series
Major Themes: C. S. Lewis, Authors, Writing, England
Synopsis: After he searched for joy for half his lifetime, C. S. Lewis devoted the rest of his life to sharing that joy with other people.
Today, for part of our history studies, we read the picture book biography C. S. Lewis: The Writer Who Found Joy. A few weeks ago, we watched the movie The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe, so the children were very interested to learn about the author of the book.
As a young boy in Ireland, Clive Staples Lewis, who decided he wanted to go by the name of Jack because he didn’t like his name, knew he was missing something. His mother had died, and though he enjoyed much about his life, he felt like something was missing. He searched and searched for joy through his time learning with a private tutor, during his college years, and during the Great War. Finally, he came to the conclusion that God was real—and then he came to believe in Jesus—and finally, he found joy. Now he wanted to share it with the rest of the world.
The children’s favorite part of C. S. Lewis: The Writer Who Found Joy was the challenge at the beginning of the book to find a number of lions on the pages. They studied the beautiful pictures, searching for lions. They also loved finding things they recognized from the movie that came from Lewis’s life. I found this book a great introduction to this famous man and a testimony of what God can do in a person’s life.
I received a complimentary copy of this book from NetGalley, and these are my honest thoughts about it.
No warnings!
Age levels:
Listening Level—Ages 5 – 8, 8 – 12
Reading Independently—Ages 7 – 9, 8 – 12
Links to buy this book:
Amazon: Hardcover
AbeBooks: View Choices on AbeBooks.com
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